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Sermons (138)

Godly Governance: Justice and Equity for the Poor Amongst God’s People
Nehemiah 5:1-19 (Part of the Study of Nehemiah series).

Online Church: Watch

Online Church

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 2nd October 2022 (Fordham Sunday Service).
A special Commemoration Service marking the death of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 1926 – 2022
Psalm 23:1-6 (Part of the Sermon series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 11th September 2022 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Jerusalem in Ruins: Lament, Prayer & Confession
Nehemiah 11:1-11 (Part of the Study of Nehemiah series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 4th September 2022 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Abraham: How to live by Faith
Hebrews 11:1-16 (Part of the Sermon series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 7th August 2022 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Continue to Live in Jesus Christ
Colossians 3:1-11 (Part of the Sermon series).
Preached by Francis Blight on 31st July 2022 (Fordham Sunday Service).
The Supremacy of the Risen Christ
Colossians 1:15-23 (Part of the Sermon series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 17th July 2022 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Seeking Peace
Philippians 4:1-9 (Part of the Hope Explored series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 26th June 2022 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Exploring Hope: Jesus is the…
Luke 8:40-56 (Part of the Hope Explored series).
Preached by Francis Blight on 19th June 2022 (Fordham Sunday Service).
The Servant King and the Servant Queen
Philippians 2:1-13 (Part of the Sermon series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 5th June 2022 (Fordham Sunday Service).
The Spirit of Truth & The Words of Jesus
John 14:15-29 (Part of the Sermon series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 22nd May 2022 (Fordham Sunday Service).
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