The All Saints Sunday Club is for children and young people aged up to and including 16 years of age. It runs in the John Owen Barn during the 10.00am morning service at Fordham Church. The term beings the week after the All Age Service on Sunday 19th January 2025. The weekly sessions are filled with chatting, games, faithful Bible teaching and the opportunity to show we depend on God by praying to Him. Each week children start with their parents or carers in the main church service at 10.00am.


MATTHEW GROUP (11 – 16 YEARS) Our focus is to study a book of the Bible or a theme from the Bible. Each week we have time to catch up with each other, play fun games, and pray together. Our hope is to help the young people to know, believe and trust God’s Word. We want to support your ministry to your children at home, by helping them to keep putting their trust in Jesus. Many of the Matthew Group come to the Friday night 421 Youth Group  for 11-18s which young people from other churches and the local area also attend. 7.30 – 9.00pm in the John Owen Barn.

LUKE GROUP (4 – 11 YEARS) Each week, we have a fun game or two, Bible teaching, with time to chat and find out about each other. We sing songs and pray together. Our hope is to provide a happy, faithful church community time which builds the children up in their love for God and knowledge of His Word. Our overall aim is that each child will trust and depend on God as they grow.

HOW TO JOIN IN A registration form needs to be completed annually by each parent The registration form which needs to be completed annually (normally at the beginning of the autumn term). On the form you gives permission for your children to attend and participate in the Club. The form covers attendance at the All Saints Club and the 421 Youth Group. If you have more than one child attending either ministry, they can be added to the same form. For further details, please contact Georgina Blight (ASC volunteer leader) through the church office 01206 243261 or you are welcome to email her 

SAFEGUARDING All leaders and helpers serving in the All Saints Sunday Club go through a safer recruitment process, including a check with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). Please contact the Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO), Linda Stenner if you would like further details.   01206 243262.  Her regular workdays are Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you have an urgent safeguarding concern, she can be contacted on her mobile 07443 031045.