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Sermons (456)

The Reformation - so what?
John 10:30-42 (Part of the Sermon series).
Preached by Colin Taylor on 8th October 2017 (Fordham Sunday Service).
All Age Harvest Festival
(Part of the Sermon series).
Preached by Peter Squire on 1st October 2017 (Fordham Sunday Service).
1 Corinthians 15:54-58 (Part of the Sermon series).
Preached by Philip Stewart on 24th September 2017 (Fordham Sunday Service).
A Tale of Two Adams
1 Corinthians 15:12-23 (Part of the Sermon series).
Preached by Philip Stewart on 17th September 2017 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Christianity is Good News with the Power to Change Us
(Part of the Sermon series).
Preached by Philip Stewart on 10th September 2017 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Water into Wine
(Part of the Sermon series).
Preached by Jon Miller on 3rd September 2017 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Encounters With Jesus
John 4:3-30 (Part of the Sermon series).
Preached by Paul Southern on 27th August 2017 (Fordham Sunday Service).
I will come back
John 14:1-6 (Part of the Sermon series).
Preached by Andy Jelfs on 13th August 2017 (Fordham Sunday Service).
A Fragile Gospel?
Acts 12:1-19 (Part of the Sermon series).
Preached by Duncan Brisk on 6th August 2017 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Witnesses to Jesus' Death, Burial and Resurrection
Mark 15:40-16:8 (Part of the Sermon series).
Preached by Philip Stewart on 23rd July 2017 (Fordham Sunday Service).
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