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Sermons (138)

Jesus: The Death of the King (Romans 3:21-26)
Romans 3:21-26 (Part of the Autumn teaching 2023 - Kingdom Come series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 5th November 2023 (Fordham Sunday Service).
God’s Kingdom Forsaken? (2 Kings 17:1-17 & 2 Kings 24:8 – 25:12)
2 Kings 17:1-17 (Part of the Autumn teaching 2023 - Kingdom Come series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 22nd October 2023 (Fordham Sunday Service).
King Solomon: The Kingdom Begins to Fade (1 Kings 4:20-5:7 & 11:1-13)
1 Kings 4:20-5:7 (Part of the Autumn teaching 2023 - Kingdom Come series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 15th October 2023 (Fordham Sunday Service).
King David: God’s Kingdom Promises Fulfilled (2 Samuel 7:1-29)
2 Samuel 7:1-29 (Part of the Autumn teaching 2023 - Kingdom Come series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 1st October 2023 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Moses and the Exodus: God’s Promises Activated (Exodus 5.1- 6.8)
Exodus 5:1-6:8 (Part of the Autumn teaching 2023 - Kingdom Come series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 24th September 2023 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Creation: the Pattern of God’s Kingdom Established (Genesis 2:4-25 & Revelation 21:1-5)
Genesis 2:4-25 (Part of the Autumn teaching 2023 - Kingdom Come series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 3rd September 2023 (Fordham Sunday Service).
The Wisdom to Work with the End in Mind (Psalm 90)
Psalm 90:1-17 (Part of the Sermon series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 13th August 2023 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Belonging to God’s People (Colossians 3:12-17)
Colossians 3:12-17 (Part of the Sermon series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 6th August 2023 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Singleness and Celibacy for the Kingdom of God (Matthew’s Gospel 19:3-12)
Matthew 19:3-12 (Part of the Relationships and Identity series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 16th July 2023 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Thinking about Friendship (Proverbs 18:24, 3:20 & John 15:9-17)
Proverbs 18:24 (Part of the Relationships and Identity series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 9th July 2023 (Fordham Sunday Service).
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