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Sermons (456)

To Be a Pilgrim - Providence
Psalm 121:1-8 (Part of the To Be a Pilgrim Psalms 120 - 123 series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon

Online Church: Read

Service and Notice sheet (15th August 2021)

Adobe AcrobatNotice & Service Sheet

Online Church: Watch

Online Church
Preached by Paul Southern on 15th August 2021 (Fordham Sunday Service).
To Be a Pilgrim - Reality
Psalm 120:1-7 (Part of the To Be a Pilgrim Psalms 120 - 123 series).

Online Church: Read

Service and Notice sheet (8th August 2021)

Adobe AcrobatNotice & Service Sheet

Online Church: Watch

Online Church

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Paul Southern on 8th August 2021 (Fordham Sunday Service).
The Priority of Jesus
Mark 1:35-45 (Part of the Sermon series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon

Online Church: Read

Service and Notice sheet (1st August 2021)

Adobe AcrobatNotice & Service Sheet

Online Church: Watch

Online Church
Preached by Andy Jelfs on 1st August 2021 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Praying When the Gospel is Opposed
Acts 4:1-31 (Part of the Jesus Teaching on Prayer series).

Online Church: Read

Service and Notice sheet (18th July 2021)

Adobe AcrobatNotice & Service Sheet
Preached by Francis Blight on 18th July 2021 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Peace in Every Land, Salvation in Every Heart
1 Timothy 2:1-18 (Part of the Jesus Teaching on Prayer series).

Online Church: Read

Service and Notice sheet (11th July 2021)

Adobe AcrobatNotice & Service Sheet

Online Church: Watch

Online Church
Preached by Aëlla Gage on 11th July 2021 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Praying for our Church Community
Ephesians 1:15-23 (Part of the Jesus Teaching on Prayer series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon

Online Church: Read

Service and Notice sheet (4th July 2021)

Adobe AcrobatNotice & Service Sheet

Online Church: Watch

Online Church
Preached by Francis Blight on 4th July 2021 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Jesus' Teaching on Prayer #3
Luke 1:1-13 (Part of the Jesus Teaching on Prayer series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon

Online Church: Read

Service and Notice sheet (27th June 2021)

Adobe AcrobatNotice & Service Sheet

Online Church: Watch

Online Church
Preached by Paul Southern on 27th June 2021 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Jesus' Teaching on Prayer #2
Matthew 6:5-15 (Part of the Easter 2021 series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon

Online Church: Read

Service and Notice sheet (20th June 2021)

Adobe AcrobatNotice & Service Sheet

Online Church: Watch

Online Church
Preached by Fordham Church on 20th June 2021 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Jesus Teaching on Prayer #1
Matthew 6:5-13 (Part of the Jesus Teaching on Prayer series).

Online Church: Watch

Online Church

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 13th June 2021 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Seeking Praise from Jesus
(Part of the Seven Letters From Jesus Christ series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon

Online Church: Read

Service and Notice sheet (6th June 2021)

Adobe AcrobatNotice & Service Sheet

Online Church: Watch

(This will be available from 10:00am on Sunday)

Online Church
Preached by Francis Blight on 6th June 2021 (Fordham Sunday Service).
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