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Sermons (57)

John 5:31-47 (Part of the Study of the Gospels series).
Preached by Ben Clarke on 9th August 2015 (Fordham Sunday Service).
John 5:1-15 (Part of the Study of the Gospels series).
Preached by Ben Clarke on 26th July 2015 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Weep with those who weep All Age Service
John 11:1-44 (Part of the Study of the Gospels series).
Preached by John Parker on 3rd May 2015 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Why do you doubt?
John 20:24-31 (Part of the Study of the Gospels series).
Preached by John Parker on 5th April 2015 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Jesus REALLY died All Age Good Friday Service
John 19:31-37 (Part of the Study of the Gospels series).
Preached by AJ on 3rd April 2015 (Fordham Sunday Service).
The whole world has gone after him!
John 12:12-26 (Part of the Study of the Gospels series).
Preached by Simon Carmel on 29th March 2015 (Fordham Sunday Service).
All Age Christingle
John 1:1-5 (Part of the Study of the Gospels series).
Preached by AJ on 7th December 2014 (Fordham Sunday Service).
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