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Sermons (57)

Meeting Jesus: The Blind Man
John 9:1-41 (Part of the Lent teaching - Meeting Jesus series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Paul Southern on 19th March 2023 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Meeting Jesus: The Samaritan woman at the Well
John 4:1-42 (Part of the Lent teaching - Meeting Jesus series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 12th March 2023 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Meeting Jesus: Nicodemus
John 3:1-17 (Part of the Lent teaching - Meeting Jesus series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 5th March 2023 (Fordham Sunday Service).
A special Commemoration Service marking the death of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 1926 – 2022
Psalm 23:1-6 (Part of the Sermon series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 11th September 2022 (Fordham Sunday Service).
The Spirit of Truth & The Words of Jesus
John 14:15-29 (Part of the Sermon series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 22nd May 2022 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Life '22: The Way Out of Darkness
John 1:1-13 (Part of the Life' 22 series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Aëlla Gage on 3rd April 2022 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Life '22 Mothering Sunday
John 20:30-31 (Part of the Life' 22 series).

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Francis Blight on 27th March 2022 (Fordham Sunday Service).
The Message of the Cross: God's amazing love and the Great Divide
John 3:16-21 (Part of the The Message of the Cross series).

Online Church: Read

Service and Notice sheet (3rd October 2021)

Adobe AcrobatNotice & Service Sheet

Online Church: Watch

Online Church

Sunday Sermon: Watch

Sunday Sermon
Preached by Paul Southern on 3rd October 2021 (Fordham Sunday Service).
God in Three Persons - Blessed Trinity!
John 14:8-21 (Part of the Sermon series).
Preached by Paul Southern on 30th May 2021 (Fordham Sunday Service).
Jesus’ Resurrection Appearances
John 20:19-31 (Part of the Easter 2021 series).

Online Church: Read

Service and Notice sheet (11th April 2021)

Adobe AcrobatNotice & Service Sheet

Online Church: Watch

Online Church
Preached by John Bradley on 11th April 2021 (Fordham Sunday Service).
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