Christianity Explored Autumn 2024

All Saints Church Fordham & Eight Ash Green Community Hub

Friday mornings, 10:45am – 12:15pm

Beginning 4th October 2024.

This relaxed and informal seven-week course takes you into the wonderful message of the Christian hope. In these days of endless bad news, here is good news worth considering. Through discussion and videos, we will explore three questions at the heart of Mark’s Gospel in the Bible:

Who is Jesus? Why did he come? What does it mean for us?

Each session begins with hot drinks and cake at the community hub café. You won’t be put on the spot or asked to pray or sing. Everyone is very welcome, whether you are considering Christianity for the first time or would like a refresher.

The course will be led by Aëlla Gage. To book your place and for further details, please contact Aella: 07729173504

You can find out more on the Christianity Explored website.   This ‘What is Christianity?’ video gives a two and a half minute introduction to Jesus Christ.